After a Campus Change is Approved

Here is a checklist to help keep you on track after your campus change has been approved:

  1. Review the Suggested Academic Plan in the Undergraduate Bulletin for your major at your new campus to schedule appropriate courses for the upcoming semester. You should schedule courses during your enrollment appointment. Be sure to review your Academic Requirements report and use the course schedule for your new campus.
  2. Secure housing for your new campus
  • If living on-campus, visit eLiving for all of your needs.
  • If living off-campus, be sure to read the terms of your lease, including move-in date, closely.

Questions about your new campus?
Remember that Student Orientation and Transition Programs is here to help you throughout this journey. You should email We will answer your question, or help to get you connected to the appropriate campus resource. 

You can also reach out the Change of Campus contact at your new campus.